Your Trusted Source for High Denomination Notes for Over 25 Years!

How To Sell To Us

We buy coins, currency and precious metals from a dealers and collectors from all over the world. We receive packages here in St. Johns on a daily basis (many of which are unsolicited.) We make good, strong offers and we pay fast.

A price for single or multiple banknotes can often be determined in advance. Simply email us clear digital images or scans and we can make a good offers based on these images. Email : [email protected] If notes are high grade and raw (not third party graded) we may only be able to make a determination of price by having the note(s) "in hand." We do not pay "up front." Banknotes must be received before payment is initiated.

Ship notes to us with confidence using our third party "insurance umbrella." If you ship to us securely using PRIORITY MAIL EXPRESS you will not need to insure your package. Your inbound package is covered under our insurance. In most cases we will have your package the next day and payment will follow promptly thereafter.

Once your notes have been received, and a price has been agreed (either prior to arrival or upon arrival)…..we will initiate payment within 24 hours. We send out business checks regular US letter MAIL. Expedited payments via wire or outbound checks sent EXPRESS MAIL or FEDEX are also available.